Dr Somnath Ghosh (PI) | Application specific specialty optical fibers and towards 1D random lasers in disordered optical lattices | Department of Science and Technology (DST), India | Rs. 35 lacs |
Dr Abhirup Das Barman (PI) | Mobile Broadband Service Support over Cognitive Radio Networks | ITRA, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, India 2013 | Rs 137.56 lacs |
Dr. Soma Barman (PI) | Electrical Network Modeling of Biological System and its Application in Genetic Disease Diagnosis | SERB, DST | Rs. 31 lacs |
Prof. P. K. Basu (PI) & Prof. N. R. Das (Co-PI) | Physics and modeling of Si nanophotonic devices | DST, | Rs. 12 lakhs
2007-2010 |
Prof. S. S.De/
Dr. Bijay Bandyopadhyay | Monitoring Global Electricity Parameters | Indian Space Research Organization | Rs. 35, 06,558
01.04.2007 (3 yrs) |
Prof. S.S. De (PI) and Dr. B. Bandyopadhyay
(Co-PI) | Monitoring Global Electricity Parameters | ISRO | Rs: 27.48 lakhs
Duration : 3 years |
Prof. A. Maitra | Radio Remote Sensing of the Tropical Atmosphere (Phase II) | ISRO, Department of Space, Government of India, Bangalore | Rs. 14.83 lakhs
2007 -2010 |
Prof. A. Maitra | Studies on tropical rain and atmospheric water content using ground based measurements and satellite data related to Megha Tropiques Mission | SAC, ISRO | Rs. 29.34 lakhs
2007-2010 |
Prof. A. Maitra | Studies on Water Vapour and Cloud Liquid Water using Radiometers and Related Rain/Fog Environment at High Altitude Station at Darjeeling | DST, Government of India, under IRHPA Scheme through Bose Institute, Kolkata, 2005-2010. | |
Dr. Ashik Paul | A study on the variability of total electron content near the crest of the equatorial anomaly in the Indian zone | ISRO, | 7 lakhs
Feb. 2006 – 3 years |
Prof. A. Dasgupta | Operation of SCINDA Receiver at the University of Calcutta | Department of the Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD), Japan | US$6900.00 (~Rs. 2.95 lacs)
(2008-2009) |
Prof. A. Dasgupta | Ionospheric Space Weather in relation to Satellite Based Systems | ISRO | Rs. 33.05 lacs
2007-2010 |
Prof. A. Dasgupta & Dr. Ashik Paul | Detection of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) associated with the solar eclipses of July 22, 2009 and January 15, 2010 by GPS TEC monitoring | Indian Space Research Organization | 2 years (2009-2011)
Total Fund: Rs. 2.70 lacs |
Prof. A. Dasgupta & Dr. Ashik Paul | Ionospheric Space Weather in relation to satellite-based systems | Indian Space Research Organization | 3 years (2007-2010)
Total Fund: Rs. 33.05 lacs |
Prof. A. Dasgupta & Dr. Ashik Paul | A Study on variability of post-sunset Total Electron Content and scintillation near the crest of the Equatorial Anomaly in the Indian Zone | Indian Space Research Organization | 3 years (2009-2012)
Total Fund: Rs. 9.43 lacs |
Dr. Soumya Pandit | Statistical Modeling, Design and Optimization of Nano CMOS Analog/RF Circuits, | Centre for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta, | Initially for 1 years, likely to continue for 3 years.
Amount = Rs 2.00 lakh + salary of 1 SRF. |
Dr. Soumya Pandit | Development of a design automation tool for nano CMOS analog circuits | Department of Science and Technology under Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists | 3 years,
12.12 lakhs. |
Dr. Abhijit Biswas | Modeling and studies of nano CMOS devices based on strauined Si, Ge and their alloys including novel device architectures | Centre for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta | Initially for 1 years, likely to continue for 3 years. Amount = Rs 2.00 lakh + salary of 1 SRF. |
Dr.Bratati Mukhopdhyay | Physics and Modeling of Some Emerging Nanophotonic Devices for Application in Infrared Wavelength Regime | Centre for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta | Initially for 1 years, likely to continue for 3 years.
Amount = Rs 2.00 lakh + salary of 1 SRF. |
Prof. Susanta Sen
1. Prof. D. J. Chattopadhyay, Dept. of Biotechnology
2. Dr. Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Dept. of Electronic Sc. | “Design and Implementation of Digital Microfluidic Based Chips for Biomedical Applications” | Department of Information Technology, Govt. of West Bengal through WBEIDC | 3 years from July 2009
Rs. 1.00 crore |
Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya | Development of solar blind photodetectors based on AlGaN nanostructures for flame sensing | Center for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta, | Duration: 1 year, 2009-2010, amount 2 Lakhs |
Dr. Pranab K. Karmakar | Evaluation of Rainfall Estimation over South America | Govt .of Brazil | |