University of Calcutta



    Microwave and Antenna Research (MAR) Lab

    Opto-Microwave and Metamaterial Research Laboratory

    Cognitive Radio Research Laboratory

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    IC Design Laboratory


    1. NAME OF THE LABORATORY: IC Design Laboratory


      a) LAN consisting of 7 terminals and 1 server
      b) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 operating system 
      c) Custom Design EDA Tool suite from Synopsys (University bundle) 3 licenses


      i. Nano-scale Device Circuit Interaction The current research activities in this group include modeling of process variability of nano-scale CMOS devices and circuits, extraction of SPICE parameters from device simulation data. 
      ii. Development of CAD tools for automated design of nano-scale analog circuits The current research activities in this group include development of Matlab-based software tool for performance modeling and optimization of nano-scale analog circuits.



    Statistical Modeling, Design and Optimization of Nano CMOS Analog/RF Circuits, funded by Centre for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta, Amount = ` 2.00 lakh + salary of 1 SRF. Status = completed 
    Development of a design automation tool for nano CMOS analog circuits funded by Department of Science and Technology under Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists, 3 years, Amount = ` 12,12,000/- Status = continuing

    5. COURSES
      CAD Techniques-II Lab, 
      RP 3.1.18 Electronic Design and Simulation 
      RP 3.1.19 and 3.2.1 Project works
      EL 2: Design Paper
      TW1 and TW2: M.Tech Compulsory Thesis Works 

      PhD student :1
      M.Tech students :2

    7. PASSED OUT STUDENTS students :4
      B.Tech students :4

      Dr. Soumya Pandit
      Assistant Professor
      Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics
      University of Calcutta 
      Phone: +91 33 23505829 Extn 21

    Microwave and Antenna Research (MAR) Lab




    Test and Measurement
    Agilent E8363B PNA Network Analyzer, 10 MHz to 40 GHz
    HP 8720C Network Analyzer, 50 MHz to 20 GHz
    Agilent’s E4418B EPM Series Single-Channel Power Meter
    Agilent E4413A Wide Dynamic Range Power Sensor, 50 MHz-26.5 GHz, -70 to+20 dBm
    Agilent E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator, 250 KHz-40 GHz
    Agilent 8350B Sweep Oscillator, 26.5 – 40 GHz
    Automated Antenna Pattern Measurements, 4-18 GHz
    Manual Antenna Pattern Measurements, 4-18 GHz
    EM CAD
    Ansoft HFSS 3D Full-wave Electromagnetic Field Simulator V12.1
    · Ansoft Designer V5.0 for High-performance RF/uW/Analog/RFIC Design & Verification


    Research Areas
      Defected Ground Structures (DGS) for Antenna Applications
      Microstrip Antennas using Composite Substrates and composite feed network
      UWB Antennas
      Dielectric Resonator Antennas


    Research Students
      Archita Banerjee
      Bidisha Gupta
      Chandrakanta Kumar
      Chinmoy Saha
      Halappa Gajera
      Pampa Debnath
      Sayantani Datta
      Sudipta CHattopadhyay
      Sujoy Biswas


    Cognitive Radio Research Laboratory
    Mobile Broadband Service Support Over Cognitive Radio Networks funded by Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, India 2013, Duration: 3 Yrs, Amount: Rs 137.56 lacs
    a) Agilent Technologies EXG N5172B Vector Signal Generator (9 KHz-3 GHz)
    b) Agilent Technologies CXA N9000A Vector Signal Analyzer (9 KHz-7.5 GHz)
    c) Agilent Technologies DSO-X 3032A Digital Storage Oscilloscope (350 MHz, 40 GS/s)
    d) USRP B210 SDR Kit - Dual Channel Transceiver (70 MHz - 6GHz) - Ettus Research
    i. Practical Implementation of basic wireless communication set up using USRP B210 SDR Kit controlled by GNU Radio software. Some of the experiments include
    1. A basic cognitive transmission prototype
    2. Wideband spectrum sensing using polyphase filterbank analyzer.
    3. Measuring channel impulse response using pn sequence.
    4. Adaptive modulation
    5. Amplify-and-Forward, Decode-and-Forward relay
    6. OFDM transmitter and receiver
    Fig. B210 USRP
    ii. Spectrum occupancy measurement at different places in Kolkata Measurement has been taken from 1 MHz to 2.5 GHz in four different regions of urban Kolkata. We divide the entire spectra of 2.5 GHz into several 200 MHz subintervals and record the spectrum usage for this frequency interval. The measurements were conducted using a spectrum analyzer and antennas. For low frequencies upto 1 GHz, a fully extended dipole antenna (39”) especially designed for TV signal reception is used and for frequencies above 1 GHz a helical antenna is used. We chose four suitable locations in Kolkata for our measurements, one in north Kolkata near Airport, one in central Kolkata at Rajabazar, one in Saltlake which is in the eastern part of the city and the last one is taken at Golf Green in south Kolkata. These different places at different corners of the city will give an indication of the variability of spectrum usage. In the measurement plots we mainly show the received signal level in dB averaged over 2000 samples at each frequency bin and measurements also captured the maximum value of the 2000 samples. The average value of the signal level eliminates burst signal and shows a peak for a steady deterministic signal. On the other hand maximum value is useful to capture burst signal.
    spectrum occupancy in IRPE: IRPE.pdf (click here)
    spectrum occupancy in Saltlake, Kolkata: saltlake.pdf (click here)
    spectrum occupancy in Airport, Kolkata: airport.pdf (click here)
    spectrum occupancy in Golf Green, Kolkata: golf green.pdf (click here)
    free and occupied TV spectrum usage around Kolkata: tv channel.pdf (click here)
    iii. Theoretical research includes
    Rural broadband using TV White Space
    Interference management in cognitive femtocells
    Remote generation of microwave/mm wave signal for mobile broadband
    Fiber to wireless millimeter wave transmitter for pico-cellular mobile broadband
    Indoor Visible Light Communication
    Analog upstream performance of OFDM using RSOA in Passive Optical Network
    Dr. Abhirup Das Barman
    Associate Professor
    Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics
    University of Calcutta
    Phone: +91 33 23505829 Extn 41