The Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics established in 1949 is the first University department in India engaged in the study and research in Electronics, Communication, Computers, Control, Ionosphere and all branches in Radio Science. The internationally acclaimed research conducted by its founder Prof. Sisir Kumar Mitra, FRS, and his group and the able leadership of his successor, Prof. Jatindra Nath Bhar, FNA, elevated the status of this newly founded Institute to a very high level, so that the University Grants Commission awarded this department a status Centre of Advanced Study in 1963. At the time of the setting up of the Center of Advanced Study in Radio Physics and Electronics in 1963 the U.G.C. had recommended that the thrust area of the Center be "Radio Wave Propagation and Upper Atmospheric Research". Prof. Bhar, however, was fully aware of the vast potentialities of the newly emerging areas in Electronics and was convinced that in the long term interest of the Institute, these new areas had to be nurtured side by side with studies on the Upper Atmosphere. It was mainly due to his efforts that the Center of Advanced Study was renamed as CAS in Radio Physics and Electronics. As a result of the creation of the Center, substantial grants, and teaching positions were received by the Department. Prof. Bhar made it very clear to all his colleagues that "the Department was the Center and the Center was the Department" so that whatever additional facilities were created were available to all the faculty of the Department. Since its inception as a CAS, the teaching and research activities of the Centre expanded manifold. The CAS status is enjoyed by the Institute uninterrupted till March 2010, i.e., over a long period of 47 years: perhaps a unique instance in the country. The next review of the CAS status is to be made soon. Because of the exemplary academic and research excellence, in 2008 the UGC identified this Centre as one of the two Networking Resource Centres in Physical Science and one amongst ten such centres planned to be established in the country. CAS Review Reports
Report 05-06
Report 06-07
Report 07-08
Report 08-09
Report 09-10
Progress report April 2005- March 2010 for final review
Report 12-13