University of Calcutta


Centre for Research & Training in Microwave and Millimeterwave Technology

Microwaves and Millimeter waves are radio waves of wavelength in the range of 100 mm to 1mm. These waves were first put into practical use during World War II. Rapid development in various fields of Electronic Engineering thereafter has led to many new applications, in recent years, in the field of Communication, Information-highways, Instrumentation, Remote Sensing and Weather forecasting etc. Keeping these application potentials in view, Department of Electronics, Govt. of India, under the Technology Development Programme of National Radar Council had initiated projects of R & D nature at the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, in the area of Microwaves and Millimeterwaves during 1980s. These covered studies related to wave propagation and remote sensing as part of the technology development programme of DOE. Subsequently with further financial support from other funding agencies, which include AICTE, MHRD, DST, DRDO, ADA, UGC and TISCO, different activities were undertaken in the form of delivering electronic hardware, system fabrication and installation at the user's premises and feasibility studies of various propagation impairments related to communication, radar, radiometry and remote sensing. To sustain and propagate all these R&D activities in millimeterwave/microwave technology in the country, the need for creating scientific and technical manpower in the field was felt. In view of this, DOE, Govt. of India, offered Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, to undertake a Training Programme in Millimeterwave Technology, for a five year period commencing from 1988. Undertaking the programme was possible because an infrastructure worth about Rs. 3 crores had already been developed with funds from various agencies. It is important to note that the programme of this type was the first of its kind in Eastern India. Under this Programme, expert manpower and a resource group in this area have been developed and a number of consultancy jobs have been extended to the Defence Sectors, Department of Telecommunication, Department of Space, Department of Science and Technology. Further, a number of products developed through this Programme are used in Atmospheric Science. During the last five years, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics has organized several Refresher Courses and a Workshop, mainly on Microwave, Millimetrewave and Optical Communication, under the Training Programme. A one-year PG Diploma course on Microwave and Millimeterwave Technology has been launched but had to be held in abeyance after one batch of students passed out due to some administrative problems. The University of Calcutta with the concurrence from the Govt. of West Bengal, has decided to convert the Training Programme to a permanent centre. The Govt. of W.B. has decided to continue funding the Programme so that the Diploma Course is set to be revived. It is also being planned to upgrade the Diploma Course to full-fledged 4-semester M. Tech. in Microwave and Millimeterwave Engineering. In consideration of the importance of microwaves and milimetrewaves and the expertise and infrastructure available in the department, the Government of west Bengal made a decision to create a permanent centre entitled Centre for Research and Training in Microwaves and Millimetre waves in the Institute. At present two existing Scientists working in the Training Programme are absorbed as faculties in the department. The Centre has One Research Fellow, one technical assistant and one Office Assistant. The Centre started its activity in July 2008. A one day workshop entitled Horizons of Microwave & Millimetrewave Engineering & Research (HOMMER) was held on August 22, 2008 [see list of speakers and topics in Annexure VIII]. The Centre is planning to introduce an M. Tech programme in Radio Physics and Electronics with specialization in Microwaves and Lightwaves.